Bluesocket Acquired by Adran
I was hired into Bluesocket to revamp their marketing. They were a 13 year company and they were failing to sell against Cisco, sellling WiFi access points. They had a management console that was virtualized, so they could present as a greener solution, than Cisco. The CIO had a green quota and we fit that quota.
I first talked to sales and the engineers and they said that the biggest issue was Gartner positioning. They said that someone had irritated Gartner and they were getting bad reports for years. I first focused on this. I started to create a new story and message and I questioned reports that came out. The analysts changed the reports. I then felt that the editors on Network World, Information Week, eWeek, etc, had influence because Gartner must listen to the market. So, we spent time briefing them, commenting on their blogs and inviting them on to webinars.
I then worked directly with Gartner on strategy and they moved our Gartner positioning to visionary and that, with the green message, told strongly, at the deal level, with powerful lead generation, brought sales into the business and we were acquired.
I worked with a designer to build a gorgeous new website. He thanked me for helping him to create his best work. I was very particular, but it worked out. This was also important to build trust. It added Consistent branding and we presented like the company that we were. The design direction came from me and when they were acquired that person emailed me and said, "Wow, you can take credit for that". The transformation was so dramatic. He went on to be a successful person, in NYC. I have since been a phone reference for him. We co-created the first Market Assist entity and he was listed as the CTO. With Bluesocket, we presented as a bigger company, and had a full story from CIO to buyer, that was seamless, with a strong partner marketing strategy and analyst relations.
I presented a Go-to-market plan to the team, in Boston, and it included partner strategy and demand generation.
Something I liked about this company is that they provided wireless access points to medical tents in Haiti following the earth quake there. I worked with Sharepoint to implement the connection between the doctors and Mass General. Working with a woman, who I had met, while at Vaultus.

Tim zimmermann
Sohil Thakkar
VP at Gartner
Ben Henkels
Sr Engineer, Bluesocket
I had the opportunity to work with Oonagh at Bluesocket. She is smart and hard working. She single handedly marketed the launch of vWLANs on VMware and made significant impact for Bluesocket's vWLAN product name recognition.
Oonagh is a talented and very effective communications manager. Her professional experience and knowledge bridges a variety of marketing tenants including marketing communication, branding, website design and messaging. I found her to be exceptionally well organized with a unique ability to work with people from many functions and firms on a very human and powerful level. I recommend her as a valuable asset to any organization.
Principal at Communications
Management Partners
Simply put: Oonagh is a marketing marvel.
Craig Salk
I have worked with Oonagh over the past few years at Bluesocket and Vaultus and she has proven to be a very effective marketing leader and partner. I would highly recommend Oonagh for any early stage venture that desires strong go-to-market expertise and a 24x7 commitment to success.
Charlie provenza
Sales at Bluesocket
Oonagh is a very talented and seasoned marketing professional with a strong skill set to develop and implement effective marketing programs that help drive sales and market awareness. At Bluesocket, she was very successful in engaging with industry analysts, executing on a very active schedule of webinars, executive level customer prospecting events and collateral development with very little resources. She goes above and beyond to support sales efforts and works extremely hard to make it happen, continually offering her support to the sales team. She is a pleasure to work with and comes highly recommended.
Suresh Ghandhi
Engineer at Bluesocket
I worked with Oonagh on the launch of a new virtual wireless product. Oonagh is consistently excellent. The product was quite technical and she came up to speed, very quickly. Oonagh understood the market drivers and then used her experience to rapidly create the correct brand image, messaging and programs, driving the product to the forefront of the market. She lead analyst relations and has an optimal approach to this and to strong partnerships. I look forward to working with her again in the future.