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Implant Viewer and the Mind Clip

A glasses? 
& A Neuroclip/Neuroextension for Mind View.

Image by Max Bender


There is a network of implants used to program people and to siphon energy.

So, we need to find a way to see it.

A prism that slows molecules as they are perceived, so what we see vibrates slower. We think the field implants vibrate faster than what we see, with natural vision. 


Then, we need to see the implants in the field. . It is on a higher vibration. 


We can go to hospitals with that prism and see the Implant Infrastructure.

We must look at programmed crime.  We must.  There are innocent people in prison. We can do this with the "Mind Clip",


it can access the entire mind, like shamans or sadists do, now, with technologies. We want to see what influenced a mind, at any time, in their life. This data exists.  We want to find it and create reporting. Most people would be open to giving access like this, if it meant getting people out of prison who were programmed. 

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