I noticed when I interact with the dead, they are not free either. They seem to be on ships, watching a sim, but they are not free. If they were they could guide you out, right now. I believe they are also prisoners. They have to negotiate for conditions for us.
Our first goal in getting out of the system is making sure our base reality is not a ship. We need to get out above the souls of the dead.
The only freedom is being a free soul with all our gifts and powers. We need our ability to create realities, to manifest in realities when we please, on earth, on other planets. When u accept into a building, you are on a ship. I notice big frequency changes when I enter locations and the wicked that goes on depends on which. Certain locations make people look good when they walk in. It's a scientology location, peter pan is the program. Some offload illuminati karma into your field when you are there, so you may notice you didn't get a good nights sleep at a hotel.