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What if we try to process the data and use it to increase our vibrations? Find a way to pull it to our collective country or field and manage the processing of it. 


e.g. I am going to do 1 hour of suffering, each night. Pull the data into the field and suffer it in a controlled environment. Everyone, in the country, does an hour, a night. Build a machine that pulls in the data. It will increase the vibration of your country. 


Controlled suffering can be e.g. 2 hours of fear. You feel it. But, you will know u are safe. It is still suffering. All that data can be made into energetic packets that are like money/loosch. That is how the Illuminati think. Flip it on them and use the data to increase vibrations. 


I will get back to this...


Also possible is to cancel the contracts of aristocrats and get them to do their own karma. 


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