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Database Spirituality

This organisation has created a database. They are trying to put every human on the planet into it. 


They manage it with a mind implant, remotely managed. They can, from there, program people's actions and harass some. Worse than this, is they can manage the field around the body, from the mind. 


They are giving light energy to aristocrats and dumping their bad acts, in a database, into victim's minds. They then program the sort of balancing of conditions. So, they will program hell into people's lives and say they deserve it because of the fake data offloaded into their fields. 


There are levels to this and some levels watch the victims suffer. They will offload a murder into the field of a Mexican and then program him to kill and say he deserved it, while he processes the data of the original offload. They then watch that on aristocrat suffering websites. How do they get him to murder? They will switch his field default, by attaching to his field and then program into the new default. 

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