We need to separate society into sane people who wouldn't look at illegal content and the criminals who would. I don't care what criminals look at, of us. I just ignore that fact .I live in a sane world. Anyone, I would want to know wouldn't look at content like that. We wouldn't enjoy it. That is sane. They all need to go to prison. The audience of that content are criminals.
We need to also let people out of prison. The people they programmed to do crimes. I know of one aristocrat Dark Website where they use programming implants, to program people to kill and then they have a reality show of their lives in prison. 20 year old aristocrats have access to such sites. Programming implants are that common place. And micro cameras. Fly on the Wall.
I think we need something to show the implants in an energy field, to show who had MK ultra, and for what timeline, by looking at photographs, etc. To see if MK ultra was in the field of people who murdered others and such. I know a Mexican man harmed a white woman when Trump was talking about immigration and he can't recall doing it and doesn't know why he would. He was programmed.