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Our soul is a block of data that is our characteristics, karma/loosch (cause and effect to intention), and memories. This is what the C.I.A. work with. They can wash your memories or remove them. They can change your characteristics and they can siphon your karma. 


What is human? We are most likely something else projected into this form, with soul data. that is the most likely of our existence. Since I was first attacked by Akamai Technologies, I am told that I am over the red belt.


When they attach to your field, a sensitive person will feel their thoughts change. Meaning their "default" thought. So, the C.I.A use this premise to attach bad to good to make them more easily programmed to do bad. 


In their system, as far as I can tell, the soul is considered your loosch/karma (over the lifetime "in their system"), characteristics and corresponding or manipulated thoughts. 


Why manipulate thoughts? (by sending thought formations in waves?)


As I said, it lowers the vibration for loosching the energy field something they do on a macro platform and had been the premise of witchcraft before Scientology. 








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