Scientology use death to move people around their multi-verse, to do that they must manage conditions to give conditions of death to people. They also must keep murderers functioning at the Top of the Pyramid. They need them, they are an important tool in this. Some are source, some are androids and it all based on conditions given to the victims that scientology and their controllers manipulate.
It seems unbelievable to even comprehend if you are in 3d, but for members of the illuminati not so much. Their hiding of this is as important to them as keeping pizza gate under wraps. Shamans and spiritually "awake" people will talk of going through a 4d (hell, healing) to a 5d, 6d and so on. Moving to higher vibrations and it felt like letting go of a past life.
Scientology are forcing people into 4d, through death and movement into parallel universes. There they don't heal your field, they offload bad data from top of pyramid, so the victims are processing the data from traffickers fields, paedophile's fields, from murderers field, etc. They have made it into a tech game, where people in this forced hell compete. They input androids that are negative to enforce the "conditions" from the bad data offloaded into the field.
They then move some into illuminati contracts. Many of the illuminati are living in this parallel dimension, they are helped with androids that give them better conditions than others. And some illuminati members are in 3d, they just signed up for it, without knowing by signing work contracts. But, the illuminati members that are "over the red belt", dead are the ones they focus on controlling the most. Many are on MK ultra, which is an implant and radiowaves run by Akamai technologies to control people through negative data streams if they don't comply with the larger agenda. Many hear "God" in their heads.
This whole process is the illuminati's big secret. I know about this because I was forced into that manufactured 4d, with fake data attached to my field and i was forced suffering with the Kardashians and other American stars attached to my field. When I got home to Ireland, a shaman found a murder in my field. And, before this i was recalling it myself. And we found 10 etheric implants, two hidden "occult implants".
Even stranger is my picking up my family investigating my death in another dimension. In theory every time you are killed across the multi-verse you have copies of family that fill in in the program. After being disconnected from 3d. I don't know and still explore this piece. Because, they use a parallel universe primarily so it runs alongside the other universe, but scientology can also "disconnect" people moving them over a dimension, to control them fully.
If you are moved away from family, they can control your support network. For now we are sure Scientology run a death platform and are using death to change people's dimension and conditions. If a person goes against Scientology they can easily murder them across dimensions and then replace their support network with scientology run programs, replacements.