I didn't know what witchcraft was until I moved to NYC and then back to Ireland.
In the USA, I saw how it is applied by Scientology and these NYC magicians, first, as I have described, and when I got back to Ireland I met a group that does exactly the same thing. They are also trying to create a hierarchy by pulling people on to their timelines. Both, allowed me to see how it all fits together. They live off the energy field of others. And, they want to control.
People or entities attach to the field and try to recode it. Remote hypnosis is a way that they do that. It is done by using a portal to the field to recode into the field. Scientology does this same thing with radiowaves. Setting "programs". Corrupt spiritual hypnotists do the same thing. I found women in Ireland creating portals to my energy field and trying to set programs into my field. They had journeyed into my life and then tried to help people that were lying about me. Even a rapist.
People or entities also attach to the field to "loosch" it. They do this by lowering the thought process of the person or their vibration in general and they feed off the field. They also offload into the field and siphon out of the field. Scientology does exactly this, also. They are using a macro technology to attach to multiple people, to downgrade their thoughts with radiowaves, and specifically working with "engrams" to lower the thinking around that, so they can drain "loosch" from the field with technology.
People or entities also "offload" into the field, to move it from their field into yours, if it is negative. Scientology does this in a macro way with a technology platform for offloading. They offload from the billion-dollar crime industry into innocent people's fields to "clear" criminals. I call that "The Crime Pyramid".